Our independence gives us the opportunity to offer a wide range of investment and insurance products. This gives you the freedom and flexibility to develop the business structure that works best for you and your clients. In addition, our knowledgeable and experienced back-office staff will give you the support needed to process business with ease.
Harbour has a broad range of selling agreements in the mutual fund, variable annuity and insurance markets, providing you with the flexibility to meet your client’s needs!
At Harbour, you can conduct your fee-based business under Harbour’s corporate RIA or your own. Utilize our no platform fee Advisor Directed platform, or gain access so some of the best institutional managers through Model Market Center, Envestnet or directly with a Third Party Money Manager!
Harbour offers the industry’s largest provider of clearing and settlement solutions, Pershing, LLC, to meet their brokerage service needs. Fee-based clearing firms are listed under Fee-Based Advisory Services.
Many of Harbour’s advisors and representatives are also independent insurance agents.